Transform Your Health Today

Personalized holistic wellness in the greater Austin area

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide high-quality, compassionate care that empowers individuals to achieve optimal health and wellbeing. We believe that everyone deserves access to safe and effective natural healthcare, and we are committed to offering a range of holistic therapies that address the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of our patients. We strive to create a welcoming, supportive environment that fosters trust, respect, and collaboration, and we are dedicated to ongoing learning and innovation in our field. Above all, we are driven by a deep commitment to helping our patients live healthier, happier lives, and to promoting wellness in our community and beyond.

Sarah Tseng


Featured Services

Guasha Therapy

Gua sha therapy, also known as "scraping therapy," is a traditional Chinese healing technique that involves scraping the skin with a smooth-edged tool to promote healing and relieve pain.

Cupping Therapy

Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine that involves placing cups on the skin to create suction. It is used to promote healing, reduce pain and inflammation, and improve overall well-being.


Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points of the body, commonly used to relieve pain.
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Dr. Sarah Tseng

About Me

Dr. Sarah Tseng is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist board certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). She holds a Doctorate of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine from Pacific College of Health and Science in San Diego, California.

Frequently Asked Questions

We're here to help answer any questions you have

Do you accept insurance?

Our practice currently does not accept insurance. We prioritize the quality of care and the amount of time spent with each patient over the constraints of insurance requirements. Payment plans are available as well.

What can I expect after a treatment?

After an acupuncture treatment, you may experience a range of sensations and emotions. Some people feel relaxed and calm, while others feel energized and invigorated. Here are some of the common experiences that you may have after an acupuncture treatment:

  1. Slight discomfort or soreness: You may experience slight discomfort or soreness around the needle insertion points for a few hours after the treatment. This is normal and typically goes away within a day or two.
  2. Improved sleep: Many people report improved sleep after an acupuncture treatment, as the treatment can help promote relaxation and reduce stress.
  3. Increased energy: Some people may feel more energized and invigorated after an acupuncture treatment, as the treatment can help improve blood flow and circulation.
  4. Emotional release: Acupuncture can also help release emotions and promote emotional well-being. You may experience a range of emotions after the treatment, such as joy, sadness, or relief.
  5. Improved digestion: Acupuncture can help improve digestion and relieve symptoms of digestive disorders. You may notice improved digestion and bowel movements after the treatment.
  6. Improved pain management: Acupuncture can help manage pain and reduce inflammation. You may experience reduced pain and improved range of motion after the treatment.

It is important to drink plenty of water and rest after an acupuncture treatment to help your body heal and restore balance. It is also recommended to avoid strenuous activity and alcohol for at least 24 hours after the treatment.

How should I prepare for my first treatment?

Preparing for your first acupuncture treatment can help you feel more relaxed and comfortable during the session. Here are some tips on how to prepare for your first acupuncture treatment:

  1. Wear comfortable clothing: Loose and comfortable clothing can make it easier for the acupuncturist to access the acupuncture points on your body. Avoid wearing tight or restrictive clothing.
  2. Eat a light meal: It is best to eat a light meal a few hours before your appointment to prevent feeling too full or hungry during the treatment.
  3. Avoid caffeine and alcohol: It is recommended to avoid caffeine and alcohol before your appointment, as they can affect your body's response to the treatment.
  4. Bring a list of medications and supplements: Make a list of any medications or supplements that you are currently taking and bring it with you to your appointment.
  5. Communicate with your acupuncturist: Be sure to discuss any health concerns or questions with your acupuncturist before the treatment. This will help them to understand your needs and provide the most effective treatment.
  6. Arrive on time: Arriving on time will allow you to fill out any necessary paperwork and relax before your treatment.
  7. Relax: Acupuncture is a relaxing treatment that can help reduce stress and anxiety. Try to relax and breathe deeply during the treatment to help enhance its benefits.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your first acupuncture treatment is a positive and effective experience.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of acupuncture treatments that you may need can vary depending on your individual health concerns and the severity of your condition. Generally, acute conditions may require fewer treatments, while chronic conditions may require ongoing treatments to manage symptoms and maintain overall health.

A qualified acupuncturist can work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan based on your specific needs and health history. Typically, patients will begin with an initial consultation and treatment, which can help the acupuncturist to better understand your health concerns and develop a tailored treatment plan.

While some patients may experience immediate relief after just one acupuncture treatment, most patients will require multiple sessions to achieve optimal results. Depending on the condition being treated, you may need to receive treatments once or twice a week for several weeks or even months.

It is important to remember that acupuncture is a holistic therapy that works best when combined with other healthy lifestyle practices, such as exercise, stress reduction techniques, and healthy eating habits. Your acupuncturist can provide guidance on these and other lifestyle changes that can help you achieve optimal health and wellness.

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical practice that involves inserting thin, sterile needles into specific points on the body to stimulate and balance the body's energy flow, known as Qi (pronounced "chee"). The practice is based on the theory that the body contains meridians, or energy pathways, through which Qi flows. When these pathways become blocked or disrupted, it can lead to pain or illness.

Acupuncture is used to treat a wide variety of health conditions, including chronic pain, migraines, anxiety, depression, digestive disorders, infertility, and many others. During an acupuncture treatment, a qualified practitioner will insert the needles into specific points on the body based on the patient's health concerns and overall health history. The needles are left in place for a period of time, usually around 20-30 minutes, during which time the patient may feel a mild sensation or tingling.

Acupuncture is generally considered safe and effective when performed by a qualified practitioner. The practice is often used in conjunction with other therapies, such as herbal medicine or cupping, to further enhance its benefits. While the mechanism of action of acupuncture is not fully understood by Western medicine, research has shown that it may stimulate the release of endorphins, natural painkillers, and other substances that promote healing and balance in the body.

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